1. The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) (click here) identifies a few hundred publicly-traded chemical companies. Companies on the list represent several countries. GICS divides these chemical companies into 5 sub-categories: commodity chemicals; diversified chemicals; fertilizers & agriculture; industrial gases; and specialty chemicals.
The GICS is provided by MSCI and S&P Dow Jones by subscription to financial institutions, such as Fidelity Investments and Charles Schwab, and other enterprises. Access to the GICS database, where the chemical companies can be identified, can be through companies like Fidelity Investments and Charles Schwab.
2. WSI/Markets (click here) has a list of more than 1,000 publicly-traded chemical companies. Company profiles are available.
The American Chemical Society’s Chemical and
Engineering News magazine publishes annually a list of the 50 largest
global chemical companies by revenues (click here).
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