Sunday, April 5, 2020

Cesium – Uses, Prices, and Production

This blog highlights information and data I have found on the Internet related to cesium uses, prices, and production.   Key blog objectives are to present a cesium 2019 global production amount and the amount of global revenues represented by the sale of this production.

Uses.  Cesium as a metal is highly reactive and is found in the earth crust only in salt form.   The primary uses of cesium salts are:

Ø  In drilling fluids (the primary use; more than 50% of all cesium salt use);
Ø  To promote sensitivities and other features in various electronic applications;
Ø  To input certain properties to glasses;
Ø  In atomic clocks;
Ø  In pyrotechnics;
Ø  As an electrolyte in alkaline storage batteries;
Ø  As a chemical reaction catalyst; and
Ø  In various medical/biological system applications.

A cesium isotope is used as a source of gamma radiation in cancer treatment.

Prices.  Cesium prices, both as the metal and as cesium salts, remain fairly constant and, because of the low demands (small markets) for them, prices are not readily available.  For the salts, based on what data could be found, prices seem to be in the $1,400 per kilogram (kg) to $2,400 per kg range, with an average price being $1,900 per kg.

Production.  Cesium is mostly found in the minerals pollucite and lepidolite and is a co-production of lithium and tantalum.  Best estimates of 2019 global cesium salt usage is approximately 45,000 kg.  Using an average price for cesium salts of $1,900 per kg (see prices above), this gives 2019 global  revenues from sale of cesium salts of approximately $86 million.

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