Thursday, December 20, 2012

Chemical Industry Data Found at the US Census Bureau Website

Census Bureau survey results from US chemical companies provide reliable and relevant data on various characteristics and attributes of the US chemical industry. This blog identifies a lot of this data available at the Census Bureau website.

Click here to find total US production (monthly, quarterly, and annual) quantities for several chemical industry sub-sectors.  The number of companies producing in the sub-sectors is also provided in the annual reports.

Click here to find shipment quantities for the chemical industry sub-sectors.   Data is provided for a month, year to date, and previous period.

Click here to find financial data for four groups: basic chemicals, resins, and synthetics; pharmaceuticals and medicines; plastics and rubber products; and “all other chemicals”.   Financial data includes: $ sales; operating profits; and after tax profits.  Modified income statements and balance sheets are provided for each of the four groups.  Returns on equity, sales, and other ratios are provided.  Comparisons are made with previous periods.

Click here to find plant utilization rates and average plant hours per week quantities for several chemical industry sub-sectors.

Click here to find data on dozens of chemical industry sub-sectors.   Data includes: salary and benefits; cost of goods sold; inventory; number of companies in the sub-sector; capital expenditures; and shipment values.  Custom searches need to be created to go to the sub-sector data.

Click here to find the number of chemical industry “establishments” and employees by zip code, state, and/or metropolitan region.  Data is provided on chemical industry sub-sectors.

Click here to find US international trade data.  Total import and export data is provided for all chemical industry sub-sectors and for each sub-sector.  Data is provided by country and for all countries.

Click here to find data on the quantities of chemical materials shipped by various transportation modes (e.g. rail, pipeline, etc).  Data is provided by chemical industry sub-sectors.  Also data is provided on shipments of hazardous materials.

Click here to go to go to where a list NAICS codes pertaining to the chemical industry can be generated.  Search on 325 (the NAICS digits that all chemical industry sub-sectors begin with) or search on the term “chemical” which will bring up all NAICS code with the word chemical in the NAICS title. The search result will be a list of the NAICS codes meeting the search criteria.  From this list, you can click to Census Bureau data pertaining to the specific NAICS code of interest.

The US Census Bureau provides very relevant and useful data and statistics.  This information has been provided by companies to the Census Bureau via surreys.   There is no more reliable data for the topics surveyed than is provided by the Census Bureau.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing interesting and meaningful info for chemical resins.
