In two previous blogs, chemical industry data and statistics
found at the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Census Bureau were identified
and links were provided to the data and statistics. In this blog, other US Government departments
and agencies where chemical industry data and statistics can be found are
The US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics
maintains a website at which data and statistics are provided on the chemical manufacturing
industry. Click here to go to the
site. Data and statistics provided include:
employment, unemployment, and earnings; workplace injuries; chemical industry
price indexes; the number of chemical industry establishments (a location where
operations are preformed); productivity indexes for the chemical industry; and chemical
industry job descriptions and job data.
The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration
maintains a website which provides a window (portal) into data related to the
hazards and handling of chemicals. Click
here to go to this site. Many websites
can be linked to from this site that provide hazards, handling, and toxicity data
for chemical materials and suggested responses to accidental release and exposure
of chemical materials.
The US Geological Survey (USGS) maintains a website at which
much information can be found on metals and minerals. Click here to go to this site. This website serves as a portal (window) to
the USGS’s databases on metals and mineral materials. Much information that can be linked to from
this portal on metals and minerals is important data and statistics for the
chemical industry. For example, from
this portal, data and statistics on the supply of, demand for, and flow of
metals and minerals can be obtained (click “commodity” at the page's center). Click here to go to this data and statistics source.
These three US Government departments and agencies, the
Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics and Occupational Safety and
Health Administration and the Interior Department’s US Geological Survey provide
a large amount of data and statistics relevant to the chemical industry.