This blog is the fifteenth in a series of blogs I plan to
write providing use, price, and production data on high-use inorganic and
organic chemicals. Click here to see the
first blog in this series and a list of chemicals to be featured. This blog provides data on phosphorus. The primary purpose of these blogs is to
present estimates of recent price, production, and sales revenues for the
chemicals. The last blog in this series
will compare price, production, and sales data for all the chemicals.
Uses. Uses of phosphorus
To produce phosphoric acid, from which fertilizers,
animal supplements, and food additives are made (90 to 95% of phosphorus use); and
As elemental phosphorus, in such uses as making organophosphorus
compounds (especially pesticides), in metallurgy, and for pyrotechnic
applications (e.g., in matches, fireworks, and incendiary devices) (5 to 10% of
phosphorus use).
Phosphorus is highly reactive and not found in elemental
form in nature, but in combination with other elements as phosphorous rock.
Prices. An
average 2019 global phosphorus price is estimated to be $85 per metric ton
Production. Phosphorus
rock, the source of all phosphorus, is surface-mined.
From the internet, estimated 2019 global production of phosphorus
is 240 million mt. Using 240 million mt
and an average per mt price of $85 (see Prices above) gives revenues generated
by phosphorus in 2019 of $20.4 billion (240 million mt times $85 per mt).
In an earlier blog on the uses, prices, and production of phosphoric
acid (click here to read that blog), the 2019 estimated revenues generated by
phosphorus acid is $35 billion. Since all
phosphoric acid is made from phosphorus, this suggests that the gross profit
margin % for phosphoric acid sales is in the range of 45 to 48%. {Gross profit margin % = gross profit (sales less
cost of sales) divided by sales} (Based only on the cost of phosphorus without including
other cost of sales, such as sulfuric acid use and reducing the phosphorus sales
amounts by elemental phosphorus sales amounts).
This good gross profit margin
percentage is an indication of the value added by chemical processing (converting
phosphate rock into phosphoric acid by using sulfuric acid).