A database called Consumer Product Information Database
(CPID) contains brand names, manufacturers, and other details on hundreds of thousands
of personal care, home maintenance, and other types of retail products. Click here to access this database. This database, maintained by DeLima
Associates, seems to be an excellent source of information for companies on
their United States competitors’ products.
A primary purpose of the database is to identify chemicals contained in
products and also known health affects of the chemicals contained in the
For a listing of personal care products, at the home page,
click product type along the top bar menu.
Then select personal care in the left drop down menu. In the next drop down menu to the right,
select one of the personal care categories, such as personal cleanliness. This will provide is list of products that US
manufacturers market as providing personal cleanliness. On the list that is generated, click on the product
name of interest to find details on that product. Details include: manufacturer and the
product’s chemical ingredients.
Personal care is one of 10 product types. Other product types include: automotive;
commercial/institutional; hobby/craft; home inside; home maintenance; home
office; landscaping/yard; pesticides; and pet care. Each product type is further divided into
categories. As mentioned above, for the personal care product type, one
category is personal cleanliness. Some other
personal care categories are: bath/shower; oral hygiene; and shaving
The database can be searched by a specific product name to
find detailed information (e.g. manufacturer and chemical ingredients) for that
This consumer product database strikes me as immense and useful
in terms of the details provided on thousands of retail products containing chemicals. The database should be useful in providing a
company details on the products marketed by the company’s competitors.